MTAA and Product Safety Australia
The MTAA is committed to ensuring that the Australian motor vehicle fleet is comparable to world’s best standards and that automotive industry workers are not at risk. The MTAA works with government to ensure that the integrity of vehicle safety standards is maintained throughout the entire lifecycle of a vehicle.
The Product Safety Australia website is managed by the ACCC on behalf of Commonwealth, state and territory product safety regulators.
The website provides a single entry point for recalled products (including automotive products), directing consumers to the appropriate regulator. It also provides a range of safety information across various product categories (including automotive products) as well as enabling consumers to report unsafe products.
Businesses can find out about any laws, bans, standards or restrictions that may apply when supplying products in Australia. It also enables businesses to submit product recalls, mandatory injury reports and other information required by law.
To access information about recalls for particular transport related products please click on the following link and then click on the manufacturer (brand) you require: https://www.productsafety.gov.au/products/transport
For more information on Product Safety Australia please follow the links provided above or access their website directly.