MTAA plays a key role developing and reviewing voluntary and mandatory industry codes of conduct including the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct (the Code). These codes aim to prevent disputes between businesses within the automotive industry from occurring. MTAA also plays a key role in supporting dispute resolution mechanisms such as the Code Administration Committee (CAC) that resolves disputes regarding the Code.
When the MTAA cannot provide members with a dispute resolution mechanism, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) can. The ASBFEO can:
- help provide small businesses and family enterprises with assistance should they find themselves involved in a dispute, and
- provide them with a voice to ensure their concerns and ideas are heard by Australian law-makers at all levels so that policies and regulation are put in place that are small business-friendly.
To access ASBFEO information about industry dispute resolution (including lodging a dispute) please click on the following link: http://www.asbfeo.gov.au/resolving-disputes
MTAA urges members to bring to the attention of their MTAA state representative any issue and dispute that is negatively impacting their business. MTAA brings this information to the attention of Government so that laws and regulations can be amended to better protect the rights of automotive businesses members.
For more explanatory notes on the ASBFEO and its dispute resolution function please upload the attached PDF file and refer directly to the ASBFEO website.